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A network of ferrymen (and women) who know how to take you to where you want to go without a lot of trouble, or find a certain special something that one is not supposed to have. Renowned scavengers of information and treasures, most of which they come by through their smuggling trade.

There is calculated stillness in their veins, and this emotionless assessment of life has led them to a singular conclusion. All life ends, it is an inevitability – an inevitability that leads to the forfeiture of property. After all, no one can take it with them when they die. 

Inu dedicate their lives to the protection of the lives of a special few and have a long-standing tradition of selecting a deserving member of their community, or simply a person of import to them, and assigning that person with a “guardian companion”;  Choice is a luxury Inu are quick to forgo; duty, however, lasts until death. 

 Kitsune are assigned to a small village or community, and charged with bringing its people to a life of measured balance with all things and beings. They see themselves as a hub for all the forces and peoples of the earth, and that each in turn must be guided by the clan towards balance and self-fulfillment. In a sense they are "priests-of-everything" - well-rounded and adjunctified. 


 Defending and protecting the weak and the helpless, particularly among the country peasantry. They are as much clan as they are militia, organizing and training simple farmers to effectively defend themselves and keep their rustic lifestyle safe and secure.  

Neko flaunt themselves as a highly stylized and fashionable guild of assassin priests of the urban jungle. Keen-eyed hunters, able to parse out among the populace who is a boon to the city, and who is a bane. Fickle and temperamental, flamboyant and self-absorbed - they believe that  something beautiful is worth saving and something ugly can be thrown away. 

Champions of the poor, crusading to sway the hearts and minds of the city’s upper crust into changing their own lives in order to better those of others.


True roosters - overt and cocky in their methodology - they are loud and opinionated through their demeanor and their fashion.


Corporate warriors, capable of launching campaigns in the board room equally as effectively as on the battlefield. The Same are dead-eyed corporate killers, with one eye on the bottom line and one eye looking at a mark through a scope. 

The Tanuki are part bankers, part thieves - Their financial trickery knows no bounds - They are supreme financial con artists, and talented financialists.


This often seems less glamorous to other Shinobi, but its inarguable that without their efforts and skills, the war of the Shinobi would have been lost long ago. 

The Lineages of Riku


The Shinobi of Riku divide themselves into nine clans, or "Lineages",

with their own distinct purpose and ideology.

Each fulfils an essential role in continuing the

fight for freedom against the growing darkness of oppresion.




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